Dr. Edward C. Williams, PP, AICP, CSI, AHP,
Director and Zoning Officer
Department of Planning & Development
520 Market Street
City Hall, Room 224
Camden, NJ 08102
Phone: 856-757-7214
Fax: 856-968-4705
Email: Development@camdennj.gov
Divisions & Bureaus
The Department of Development & Planning was reorganized and expanded with the responsibility of coordinating the divisions/bureaus under its authority to effectively service its community through business retention and development, housing assistance, project planning, and implementation, facilitating improved building safety and rental standards, and governing/administering various grant assistance programs totaling approximately $6 million dollars.
Camden Active Transportation Network Vision Plan
Be a part of the movement to make Camden a better, safer, place for walking and biking! Help the City identify a citywide network of walking and bicycling routes to get to work or school, transit stops, parks, shopping and other key destinations. is launching a citywide project to develop a community-based Active Transportation Network Vision Plan. The project, funded by the New Jersey Department of Transportation, will guide future transportation investments and improvements in the City’s walking and biking infrastructure. This Community Network Mapping Project will result in a conceptual Active Transportation Network Map informed by the people who live, work, and play in the City. Future implementation phases will include further analysis and concept development. For additional information please click https://www.walkbikecamden.com/